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TUESDAy september 10th


9:15 - 10:00 am

Plastic Recycling-Facing the Headwinds
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Steve Alexander

Asociación de Recicladores de Plástico de Estados Unidos (APR)

This pivotal conference delves into current market dynamics shaping the industry, the effects of virgin resin overcapacity, and the transformative impact of legislation. Join Steve Alexander to review advancements in technical innovation that enhance sortation and bale quality, explore the commitment of consumer brands to foster demand, and evaluate the role of design in recycling. Understand how the Global Plastics Treaty is set to reshape the sector, making this a must-attend event for industry stakeholders.

Steve Alexander serves as the President and CEO of the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), The Voice of Plastics Recycling®. Under his leadership, APR advocates for a broad membership spanning recycling companies to consumer product manufacturers. Additionally, he is the president of Resource Recycling, Inc., overseeing the management of several industry-leading conferences and publications. With a career that includes over 20 years of corporate and legislative representation and an MBA from Loyola College’s Sellenger School of Business, Alexander brings a wealth of experience to his roles.

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10:00 - 11:00 am

PANEL: The Power of Communication in the Perception of Plastic Recycling

This panel highlights the efforts of significant organizations that have dedicated time and resources to emphasize positive messages about plastic recycling as part of the solution to environmental issues. Seasoned experts will share effective strategies, innovative resources, and key messages to communicate the advantages of plastic recycling and engage with stakeholders across the value chain. The goal is to inspire and equip sector businesses to contribute to a robust circular economy. This session demonstrates that recycling works and can be even more efficient with collaboration from all parties involved.


Jaime Torres Fidalgo

Director of Communications, ECOCE

Jaime Torres Fidalgo, Director of Communications at ECOCE, holds a degree in Communication from Universidad Anáhuac del Norte and brings over 25 years of experience in communication and marketing with leading companies. He has served as editor-in-chief at Editorial Televisa, editorial director at Grupo de Comunicación Kätedra, and contributed editorially to various print media. For over five years, he has been directing communication efforts at ECOCE, A.C.

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Martha Ricardi Velázquez

Communications Manager, ANIPAC

Martha Ricardi Velázquez, Communications Manager at ANIPAC, specializes in Media, Communication, and Public Relations. She holds a degree in Communication Sciences and has completed graduate studies in Communication for Political and Social Action, and in Circular Economy and Strategic Communication of Social Responsibility. Her career includes roles as a reporter, editor, and leader of Social Communication departments in public and private institutions, including the Legislative Assembly of Mexico City. At ANIPAC, she focuses on communication strategies for sustainability and Circular Economy, and develops partnerships for impactful plastic circularity campaigns.

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Romina Dávila

Spokesperson Vida Circular

Romina Dávila is a sustainability and corporate social responsibility expert. As the Sustainability Manager for ALPLA Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, she leads circular economy initiatives and forms strategic partnerships. She has experience in environmental education and waste recovery programs, having worked with various government levels. Previously, as Operations Director at ECOCE, she managed recyclable material recovery and national environmental campaigns. Romina holds a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences and master's degrees in Environmental Policy, Law, and Management, and in Senior Management. Her education enables her to address sustainability challenges effectively.

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Fiorella Danjoy

, Regional Director, Recicla LATAM

Fiorella is a lawyer by profession with over 15 years of experience in various fields related to Law, Sustainable Development, and Public Affairs. She advocates for social inclusion, sustainability, and circular economy while living a sustainable lifestyle and passionately supporting gender equity. Fiorella began her career at Recicla LATAM in 2021 as the Executive Director for Peru. She studied Law at the University of Lima and holds a specialization in Corporate Law from Universidad ESAN. She obtained certification in "Breaking the Glass Ceiling" from the U.S. Embassy and the Lima Stock Exchange. Within the NGO, her achievements include expanding operations into Ecuador, tripling the number of projects since assuming the role, and building strategic partnerships with over 110 authorities and more than 50 allies.

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Natalia Ortega

Editor-in-Chief, Plastics Technology México

Natalia Ortega is the Editorial Director of Plastics Technology México, a Gardner Business Media publication that approaching its tenth anniversary. With over 20 years of experience in editorial roles for specialized magazines and portals, she actively contributes to discussions on plastics, recycling, sustainability, and female leadership in the industry. Natalia focuses on creating content, storytelling success stories within the sector, and analyzing technological and market trends. She holds a journalism degree and a master's degree in International Affairs from Universidad Externado de Colombia. In 2014-2015, she was a Knight Wallace Fellow at the University of Michigan and received the Siemens Environmental Journalism Award in 2011.

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11:30 am - 12:00 pm

Circular Economy for Plastics in Latin America: Progress Metrics and Objectives

The session will address critical topics for the sustainable development of the plastic recycling industry in Latin America. It will analyze price and margin outlooks for recycled plastics, exploring current and future trends in the market. Key metrics showcasing progress in implementing circular economy practices in the region will be presented. Additionally, it will discuss goals and regulations governing plastic recycling, providing a clear overview of current objectives and norms. Specific advancements in Brazil and Mexico, two leading countries in recycling, will also be highlighted. Finally, the session will offer a comprehensive overview of overarching trends across Latin America. The conference aims to provide a deep and updated understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the plastic recycling sector in the region.

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Taís Marcon

Chemical and specialty director

MaxiQuim Chemical Business & Intelligence (Brazil)

Taís Marcon, as Director of MaxiQuim Chemical Business & Intelligence, coordinates and executes market intelligence projects throughout the entire chemical industry chain in Latin America. These projects support clients in their strategic decisions by providing current scenarios and comprehensive market analyses, leading to more informed and knowledge-based decisions. Aspects such as supply and demand, prices, logistics, market share, competition, and regulation are among the topics addressed in each project. In the realm of circular economy, Taís has developed the Mexico chapter of the monthly publication MMR Recycled Resins LATAM by MXQ Insight - a company within the MaxiQuim Group - focusing on the Latin American market for recycled resins and price behavior.

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12:00 - 12:50 pm

Recycling Initiatives in Latin America

This panel focuses on innovation and success in plastic recycling in Latin America, highlighting exemplary cases and valuable lessons. Two leading Latin American companies will share their experiences, achievements, successes, challenges, and lessons learned throughout their journey in the recycling industry. Attendees will gain privileged insights into the innovative strategies these companies have implemented to overcome obstacles and achieve success. This event provides a platform to inspire and equip other sector stakeholders with practical knowledge and concrete examples of how to tackle challenges in plastic recycling and promote a more sustainable future in the region.


Ricardo Estrada

Vice President of Sustainability and Global Sourcing Grupo Plastilene (Reciclene)

Ricardo Estrada leads Grupo Plastilene's sustainable innovation strategy, promoting the construction of Reciclene's post-consumer plant and developing the polyethylene plastic waste supply chain. An expert in plastic sustainability regulations in Colombia and regionally, he is a Board Member of Cempre, where he strengthens the circular economy and participates in international events like INC-4 in Ottawa. He holds a degree in Production Engineering, an EMBA, specializations in Commercial and Project Management, and has studied Circular Economy, Sustainability, and Innovation. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Circular Economy at the University of Lisbon.

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Daniel Romero

Gerente General, Enkador

Daniel Romero, 38, is the General Manager of Enkador, an Ecuadorian company with more than 50 years of experience in the industrial sector. Enkador began in the textile sector and has evolved to include the manufacture of cleaning products, production of recycled PET plastic using the "Bottle to Bottle" model, and a reverse logistics division for waste collection and recovery.
Romero is an Industrial Engineer with a Master's degree in Project Engineering. He has worked at Dassault Systèmes and Alstom Power in France, and at Agemex in Colombia. He currently heads Enkador and Reciclapet, a company that began operations in 2020.
Under his leadership, Enkador produces plastic resin from post-consumer PET, transforming it into recycled and recyclable preforms and containers for the Ecuadorian and international markets.


Marcela Castro

Associate Editor, Plastics Technology México

Marcela Castro is a social communicator and journalist with over 18 years of experience in the plastics industry, specializing in the creation and management of technical content. Her education includes studies in digital content management, which has allowed her to adapt to the evolving media and platforms. She has investigated and analyzed trends in the plastics and packaging industry. As academic director of events like the Latin American Summit on Plastic Packaging, she organized educational programs and conferences. Four years ago, she joined Gardner Business Media, and she is currently an associate editor at Plastics Technology México.

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12:50 - 1:30 pm

Success Stories in the Recycling of PolyAluminum from Tetra Pak® Packaging: IMERSSA and Planeta Listo

The recycling of Tetra Pak® packaging drives the recycling industry in Mexico by creating over 400 direct jobs, stemming from the 19 Mexican companies dedicated to transforming multi-layer packaging, such as IMERSSA and Planeta Listo. In 2023, these companies facilitated the recycling of more than 54,000 Tetra Pak® containers, reaffirming their commitment to the environment and their significant contribution to local economic development by generating new innovative, functional, and sustainable products. Explore these success stories.


María José Acosta Casillas

Rotomolding Manager at IMERSSA

María José holds a degree in Business Administration and Strategy with a specialty in Finance and Entrepreneurship from Tecnológico de Monterrey. She also has a leadership certificate from Harvard University and studied International Law at the Anglo-American University in the Czech Republic. Passionate about social issues, she was a teacher in rural areas of Thailand, volunteered in Mexico's prison fellowship, and served on the board of the UN's "Girl Up" initiative. At IMERSSA, a company dedicated to recycling Tetra Pak packaging, she and her team successfully formulated poly-aluminum for use in rotomolding processes. Additionally, María José currently serves as the president of the Rotomolding Section within the National Association of Plastic Industries (ANIPAC).

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Alfredo List Liepert

CEO e Inventor, Planeta Listo

Ing. Alfredo List Liepert, a graduate in Electronic Systems Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, has over 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur in the information technology sector. Since the earthquake of 2017, he has dedicated his work entirely to sustainability with his company PlanetaListo, which transforms recyclable urban waste into everyday products for the home, garden, industry, and construction. He currently holds the position of CEO and General Inventor.


Natalia Ortega

Directora editorial de Plastics Technology México

María Natalia Ortega is the editorial director of Plastics Technology México magazine, a publication of Gardner Business Media, which is about to reach its tenth anniversary. With more than 20 years of experience in editorial roles for specialized magazines and portals, she actively contributes to the conversation about plastics, recycling, sustainability, the circular economy and female leadership in the sector. She focuses on content creation, storytelling of success stories within the sector and analysis of technological and market trends. She is a journalist, with a master's degree in International Affairs from the Universidad Externado de Colombia. She was a Knight Wallace Fellow at the University of Michigan in 2014-2015 and was awarded the Siemens Environmental Journalism Award in 2011.

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3:00 - 3:30 pm

From Design to Education: ALPLA's Holistic Approach to the Circular Economy

The conference will address ALPLA's comprehensive approach to the circular economy, spanning from packaging design to environmental education. Romina Dávila Martínez Solares will present ALPLA's key initiatives, including innovations in packaging design, the use of recycled materials, and ambitious CO2 emission reduction goals. Additionally, the promotion of environmental education through the Vida Circular initiative will be explored. Attendees will learn how ALPLA is leading the way towards a more sustainable future through a holistic approach that integrates sustainability at every stage of its production process. This event provides a unique opportunity to learn from ALPLA's experiences and achievements in implementing circular economy practices.

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Romina Dávila

Sustainability Manager for ALPLA Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean

Romina Dávila is a sustainability and corporate social responsibility expert. As the Sustainability Manager for ALPLA Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, she leads circular economy initiatives and forms strategic partnerships. She has experience in environmental education and waste recovery programs, having worked with various government levels. Previously, as Operations Director at ECOCE, she managed recyclable material recovery and national environmental campaigns. Romina holds a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences and master's degrees in Environmental Policy, Law, and Management, and in Senior Management. Her education enables her to address sustainability challenges effectively.

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3:30 - 4:00 pm

Trends in sustainable materials

This conference explores the frontiers of recycling and sustainability in plastics and delves into mechanical recycling by comparing PCR (post-consumer recycled plastic), PIR (post-industrial recycled plastic) and OBP (ocean-based products). It also covers innovations in chemical recycling and bio-attributed technologies, specifically advanced mass balance systems. Finally, it clarifies the differences between bio-based, compostable and biodegradable materials, essential to understanding and navigating today’s plastics market.


Taylor Burnham

Product Manager Health and Sustainability, Nexeo

As Sustainability Product Manager for North America, Taylor Burnham manages the market strategy and portfolio of suppliers focused on this segment, working alongside an internal team with extensive knowledge of sustainable plastics. For 5 years, she supported sales for Nexeo Solutions and Nexeo Plastics in Indiana, after earning a BS in Industrial Distribution from the Dwight Look College of Engineering, Texas A&M University. Since joining product management in 2021, she was also named as a “Rising Talent” by Plastic News.

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4:00 - 4:30 pm

Challenges in the Use of Post-Consumer Materials in High-Performance Applications

The trend towards a circular economy has led us to propose the use of post-consumer resins in various applications, some of which present their own technical challenges during the extrusion process, as well as in meeting specifications to ensure optimal performance. However, by making a suitable selection of post-consumer resins and working together with the involved technical teams, it is possible to incorporate them into high-performance applications, ensuring that the processes remain sustainable and economically viable.


Iván Trillo

Technical Service Leader, Braskem Idesa

A technical service specialist in the plastics market, she has contributed to business growth through team management and the implementation of strategies such as lean manufacturing and six sigma. She has worked with clients in the plastic and automotive manufacturing sectors optimizing processes to improve productivity and reduce costs. She has collaborated on innovation projects with educational institutions and CONAHCYT, culminating in the publication of scientific articles. She is a chemical engineer with master’s degrees in business development and advanced manufacturing. Additionally, she holds a certification in NLP from Tecnológico de Monterrey and has experience in product development, sales strategies, and new business. She has served as a speaker and advisor on technical issues in the plastic industry.

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4:50 - 5:20 pm

Plastic Recycling: Current Capacities and Future Trends

This session explores local and regional recycling capabilities through the analysis of specific polymers, raw material sources, and various industrial applications. It will discuss key drivers affecting market supply and demand dynamics, addressing recycling commitments, the relationship between virgin plastics and scrap trade. Additionally, it will examine forecasts for mechanical recycling production as a percentage of consumption, delving into upcoming trends, identifying potential obstacles, and exploring untapped opportunities that will shape the next decade.


Andrea Bassetti

Plastics Recycling Leader for the Americas ICIS

Dedicated to research and market analysis in recycling at ICIS, Andrea leads a team focused on collecting and analyzing data on the recycling supply chain, with a particular emphasis on North America and Latin America markets. Her multilingual work spans English, Portuguese, and Spanish, providing a global insight into market trends for clients and partners

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5:20 - 6:15 pm

How to Increase Recycling Capabilities: Whose Responsibility Is It?

This panel will explore the complexities and interdependence of the three stages of the recycling process: collection, design/transformation, and market. It will discuss the relative importance and inherent challenges of each phase in driving effective growth. Additionally, the crucial role of various key sectors such as brand owners, transformers, collectors, recyclers, consumers, municipal authorities, and legislators will be examined. Emphasis will be placed on the need for collaboration among these stakeholders to promote sustainable practices and effective policies that drive circular economy and responsible resource usage.


Fernando Rosas

Commercial director of resins, Alpek Polyester

Fernando has been in the PET, RPET and polyester industry for over 30 years, performing roles spanning operations, quality, technical and sales. He holds a degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Monterrey, where he also completed a Master's in International Trade. He began his career in 1990 at Alpek Polyester (formerly DAK Americas/Akra Polyester), assuming various responsibilities in manufacturing and operations. Since 1996, he ventured into the commercial area of the short fiber polyester business, and in 2007, he led the creation of the Purchase for Resale unit, managing suppliers in Asia and expanding the market in America. In 2012, he moved to the US to lead Clear Path Recycling, and since 2015, he is Commercial Director of Resins for Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and Colombia.

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Hugo Hurtado

Sales Director for Virgin and Recycled PET, Indorama

With a solid background as a Chemical Engineer from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and a Master's in Administration and Finance from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Hugo Hurtado has also expanded his profile with a Master's in Coaching and Executive Leadership from the University of Catalonia. He has more than 35 years of experience in key roles within the supply chain, strategic planning, marketing, sales and sustainability in the polyester and fiber industry, collaborating with renowned companies such as Celanese, Hoechst, Kosa, Invista and Indorama. Currently, he plays a crucial role as Sales Director of virgin and recycled PET for Latin America at Indorama Ventures, leading strategic initiatives that promote sustainability and innovation in the sector.

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Raúl Chávez

Director de operaciones, PetOne

Raúl Chávez holds a degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, where he also completed a Master's in Business Administration. He subsequently completed a management training program at IPADE Business School. Since 2017, he has served as director of operations in the plastics division of Corporativo AGA Gami, whose PETOne recycling plant has been recognized as one of the best in the country. He also serves as a board member at ECOCE.

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Santiago García

Coordinator of the Recyclers Committee, ECOCE

Santiago García was born in Mexico City. He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from UNAM and was a fellow in Great Britain. He worked for 10 years in the chemical and metallurgical industry at Industrias Peñoles in Mexico and New York. In 1989, he initiated a project for one of the first PET packaging manufacturing companies in Mexico and served as the Director of Continental PET Technologies for Latin America until 2001. In 1995, he led the group that formed APREPET A.C., the first association of the PET packaging production chain, and served as its first president. From 2002 to 2008, he served as General Manager of APREPET A.C. From 2009 to 2017, he worked as a Senior Consultant at Wood Mackenzie in Great Britain. He also served as a technical advisor at Inboplast between 2018 and 2019. Currently, he is the Coordinator of the Recyclers Committee at Ecoce A.C. and a member of the communication committee at the APR (Association of Plastics Recyclers.

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